Saturday 26 November 2011

I'm Halfway There!

The most incredible thing has happened to me (along my Zija Journey).  I have lost my first 25 lbs!  Throughout my weight loss journey, I have noticed the weight 'melt off' effortlessly and sometimes with more effort.  I have noticed my clothing either fit better or fit worse.  Many of my tops now look like maternity wear, and that's just not acceptable ;-)  I'm excited to step on my bathroom scale because I can't wait to see the weight shed.  This journey has not only been mine, but many others' too.  For me, the product has helped me gain back control of my appetite, gain back some of the self-confidence I had misplaced (along with my pre-pregnancy clothing!), and have the energy and ambition to care about getting my health back in shape!

I am down 3 sizes and fitting into clothing that I couldn't even fit in before getting pregnant.  If my weight loss journey was complete, I would definitely go shopping, but I know that I am only half way there and can't stand the idea of buying clothes only to have them not fit within a month or so.  I don't doubt for a second that I won't meet my goal of 150, because of how consistent and easy this has been so far.  Everyday I drink my XM+ and take my XMam capsule.  I eat when I'm hungry and for the most part continue to crave nutritious foods, sure the occasional french fry or sweet come into the picture, but I know that it's not the end of the world and that I am continuing to nourish my body instead of feed it.  Every few days I drink a cup of tea to detoxify my liver and I continue to see results.

I am not alone on this journey.  I have had such incredible support and encouragement along the way.  I can't wait to share my next post with you... it will be worth the 'weight'!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Detox Survival Story...

Alright, so I am not the most consistent blogger... but I'm on week 2 of Kindergarten and although there is less planning and correcting, I'm still getting used to being on my feet all day.  So here it is, as promised, my detox story, for those of you who are curious as to the truths surrounding my Zija tea detoxification (from my own personal experience).

I expressed my fears surrounding using the Zija tea (because it is a detox product) in my previous entry.  I was (pardon the pun), scared sh!tle$$ and under the belief that I would need to attempt this on a quiet weekend where I would be able to run back and forth throughout the day to 'release' the toxins... yuck!  I had heard from others to devote about 3 days to the bathroom because I would have extreme diarrhea caused by the detoxification process... like I have time for that with a very busy 18 month old!  I managed to work up the courage to begin drinking the tea last Friday evening (the Friday before labor day... a nice long weekend).  I was careful to only leave the tea to brew for 5 minutes, as instructed (making sure it wasn't too strong).  The tea tasted great - which was a relief because I figured it would taste awful... I mean it's a tea to make you detox, I assumed it would taste terrible - but I was wrong!

Day 1 after drinking the tea... so I'm waiting for this tea to take effect... I mean, I really thought that I would be running to the bathroom in the middle of the night and into the morning, but NOTHING!  I mean, not 'nothing', I had my regular BM in the morning (sorry for TMI, but it's a blog about detox tea - what did you expect!?!), but no diarrhea!  I went about my day very surprised, maybe even secretly a little disappointed... I had put off using the tea for fears that were now being 'flushed down the drain' (sorry, couldn't resist another pun!).  Again that night I drank the second tea in my 3 day detox.  This time, I let the tea brew 6 minutes and squeezed the tea bag a little before pulling the bag - might as well make sure it's effective (since I had devoted my weekend to this detox process)...

Day 2 after drinking the tea... hummm, I really don't understand what has happened, no negative side effects.  I'm starting to worry now that I am not taking the tea properly, or that this detox process is only going to happen on day 3, and in that case, I'm in trouble because my long weekend will be over and I'll be back to school (not exactly like I can run back and forth to the bathroom there!).  Ready to brew my 3rd cup of tea and see how this one affects me...

Day 3 after drinking the tea... another uneventful day after detox.  I mean I don't know if it's fair to say 'uneventful', but I feel like this whole process was blown out of proportion (by my own misconceptions and fears).  From what I understand of the detoxification process is that it is very important to detox while losing weight so that the body can release the toxins that a broken down by breaking down fat.  I have now lost a little over 10 lbs (in 3 weeks - through nothing other than my Zija Smart mix, my XM3 and a few days of detox tea).  I am taking a (non-medical, very naive) assumption that my body has been progressively getting healthy over my last 2.5 weeks on Zija, therefore my body had less toxins to get rid of.  I have also been living life healthier and more actively so my body is working better.  I wouldn't say that I have changed my eating habits, I still eat the same meals (although my appetite and portion size has decreased), but my views of food have changed.  I don't crave the same foods, I don't feel like I need certain foods to satisfy my cravings (because they are not there anymore).

So I am on day 5 (my last day for this week) of drinking my Zija Premium tea (just because I like the taste, and like the idea of making sure that my body is being encouraged to release toxins) and last night I accidentally left the bag in to brew for 20 minutes (I was cutting out an activity for school and forgot about the tea), but I figured I would test out the tea (for the sake of my blog and my own Zija journey), and was again pleasantly surprised to have no negative bathroom effects.

My life on Zija is definitely changing... so stay tuned to my next weight loss, health gain update!  And feel free to send my a message with any questions or comments that you might have about the product.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Eight Days on my Zija Journey

Alright, so I have to admit that my initial feelings after posting my first blog entry were not positive ones (feelings brought on only by my own conscience...).  I laid in bed that night and felt sick to my stomach - 'OMG, what did I do?'... 'this is so embarrassing!'  I felt like I had this moment of great confidence, almost like I walked out onto the beach in a bikini, followed by this awful realization that everyone would point/stare and laugh.  The reality however was that I had beautiful comments, emails, words of encouragement, and support from so many friends.  I knew that I was not the only one who struggles with her weight, but I didn't know that I was not alone in my quest to be done with this problem.

My 8 Day Trek
So here is my account from my first 8 days on Zija.  I began taking the Smart mix every morning - the taste was not horrible, kind of like ice tea.  The taste grew on me after a few days.  I especially liked waking up, going for my walk/jog and then coming home to drink it.  I was thirsty and hot and welcomed the cold drink.  It also filled me up a bit before breakfast so that I wasn't as hungry after all that exercise.  I want to say that I never considered this product as a meal replacement, I wasn't substituting a meal with a drink or a pill, Zija is meant to compliment what you eat and add nutrients and vitamins (from what I understand of the product - my understanding is still pretty limited at this point, so I can only give you a first hand opinion of my 8 day experience).  I would then eat a good breakfast (usually oatmeal with fresh fruit and a yogurt).  I would then take the XM3 pill 2 hours after breakfast, this was tricky, and I did manage to forget taking it quite a bit.  I would eat a good lunch and good supper, and then go to bed.  The product definitely helped with those nagging munchy cravings, and helped make portion control easier because I was less hungry.

If I were to tell you what this product did, I would explain that it made me feel better, healthier, more motivated to take better care of myself, my food choices, and my general motivation toward weight loss.  I know that this sounds surreal, but for the last 3 days I have not been taking the product (my order has not been delivered yet and my sister-in-law is on vacation) - the difference that I feel is that I have less energy, feel more hungry and less motivated to make healthy food choices.  I never thought that I would look at food differently, the 'bad' (yummy) unhealthy stuff was always attractive and I felt deprived if I didn't have it.  While taking Zija the junk food just didn't seem appealing.  I felt like, if I was going to eat something not nutritious that it better be damn good - and nothing seemed to be worth getting off track.  I never thought I would turn down a dessert or a poutine without needing some pretty strong will power, but I did - without any problem or feeling of deprivation at all.

I can't begin to explain what this product is or how it works, I can only share my experience and the results from my scale.  In 8 days, I am down 7 lbs - without even working at it or feeling like I'm dieting.  I'll be back on the product tomorrow (after I see my sister-in-law) and I can't wait to share the next tails from my journey... which I think shall be interesting because I'm going to do the Zija tea (a detox) that has scared me up until last week when I listened to the importance of cleansing your body of the toxins produced during weight loss.  For anyone that has ever experienced a 'detox/cleansing' - wish me luck!

Thursday 18 August 2011

A Revelation Toward Zija...

I've come to a point in my life where I am through with my weight struggles.  My entire life, I have been taught to just accept my 'heft', my 'thickness', my forever battle with my weight and I'M SICK OF IT!  I faced a reality check recently where my clothing size is now the largest size sold in regular department stores - this means that if that item of clothing (in a size 16) doesn't fit - that's it, I don't get to purchase that piece of clothing... I just can't live like that!

I decided to start making some changes, I started walking everyday with my 17 month old son in the jogger stroller and my very energetic boxer.  I also began watching what I was eating - not dieting, but just being careful to not over eat.  I had refused to weigh myself, because I couldn't stand the idea of seeing how heavy I had become, but also because I know how discouraged I would become by the numbers.  Thinking 'I need to lose 40 lbs' is a lot less discouraging than knowing - 'if I lose 40 lbs than I'll be at 160 lbs'... which still seems way too heavy.  I know that weight on my body is much different than on someone else's frame - so I preferred to just take on a healthier approach to my weight loss rather than a number crunch.

So on a Thursday, we walked into my sister-in-law's house.  She had been taking Zija and had lost a lot of weight, but I wasn't quite ready to commit to a product.  Especially since I still had this 'you got yourself into this mess, so you'd better be ready to do the hard work to get yourself out' mentality.  There has never been an easy way for me to lose weight that kept the weight off.  I'd lost lots of weight on diet drinks (and then gained all the weight back... and then some when I went off of it).  I'd also had lots of success losing weight on protein weight loss programs and had the same tragic outcomes once off of the diet.  I know that dieting just doesn't work... so that's why I just wanted to get healthy.  Then enters Zija.  It was the right place, the right time, and hopefully the answer to my journey toward health.  My sister-in-law gave me an 8 day sample of the product and a very brief overview of how to use the product, the results spoke for themselves...